ACT To Keep Families Safe Report & Info Sheet

ACT Project Report

This report offers a concise overview of the ACT Project and findings during the collaboration and creation of the ACT to Keep Families Safe Model. Download the report here: Act Project Report

ACT Project - What is the ACT Project? 

For an overview of what the ACT Project is and the work of the ACT Project, check out our info sheet here: ACT Project Information Sheet.pdf

ACT Project - Fact sheet on the links between homelessness and GBV

For an overview of the ACT Project and the intersection between homelessness and women with animals experiencing Gender-Based Violence, check out our Info Sheet here: ACT Project - Intersection Between Homelessness & GBV Information Sheet

ACT To Keep Families Safe Educational Module Resources

ACT To Keep Families Safe Glossary

This glossary is designed to accompany the educational modules and offer definitions for terms utilized in the modules. ACT To Keep Families Safe Glossary

Trauma-Informed Care in Animal-Service Settings: Supporting Survivors with Animals - Subject Matter Expert Resources

This list of resources from subject matter expert Sareeta Lopez is designed to accompany the educational module - Trauma-Informed Care in Animal-Service Settings: Supporting Survivors with Animals. Resources - Trauma-Informed Care in Animal-Service Settings: Supporting Survivors with Animals

Awareness Resources

These are resources to support your organization or your community in raising awareness regarding Gender-Based Violence and the Violence Link.

How to Help Someone Experiencing Abuse

This resource is to help you understand ways you can help someone who is experiencing abuse. Download resource here: How To Help

The Violence Link

This resource is to help community members and professionals understand the Violence Link. Download resource here: The Violence Link

Why Don't Survivors Leave

This resource is to help community members and professionals understand the barriers and challenges survivors face when experiencing violence. Download resource here: Why Don't Survivors Leave

Supporting Survivors with Animals in Contexts of Intimate Partner Violence

Check out this newsletter issue about the ACT Project and supporting survivors with animals on the Learning Network: The Learning Network: Supporting Survivors With Animals in Contexts of Intimate Partner Violence


These tools are designed to support survivors and those working with survivors.

Safety Planning with Your Animals

This resource is to support survivors in planning for their animals' safety. Download resource here: Safety Planning With Animals

How To Find Help

This resource is to support survivors and those working with survivors to find help. Download resource here: How To Find Help

How to Find Resources

This resource is to support survivors and those working with survivors in finding resources to support their journey. Download resource here: How To Find Resources Guide

Responding to Survivors of GBV with Animals

This resource is designed to support service providers in responding to survivors of GBV with animals. Download resource here: Responding to Survivors

Strategies for Successfully Referring Survivors to Services 

This resource is designed to support service providers in successfully referring survivors of GBV with animals to support services. Download resource here: Strategies for Referral

Supporting Foster Volunteers

This resource is designed to support survivors in successfully support foster volunteers who support animal safekeeping programs for survivors of GBV with animals. Download resource here: Support for Foster Volunteers

Considerations for Making a GBV Shelter Animal Friendly

This resource is designed to offer considerations for GBV shelters that are considering or are in the process of creating an animal friendly shelter. Download resource here: Considerations for Making a GBV Shelter Animal Friendly

Animal Care Reference Guide

This resource is designed to support GBV service providers and/or survivors through educating survivors regarding what care may be needed for animals in a co-sheltering setting. Download resource here: Animal Care Reference Guide

Dog Behaviour Reference Guide

This resource provides information regarding dog behaviour for GBV service providers supporting survivors with animals in co-sheltering programs. Download resource here: Dog Behaviour Reference Guide

Pet Foodbank Info Sheet

This resource is designed to provide information explaining pet food bank programs for survivors and service providers. Download resource here: Pet Foodbank Info Sheet

Template Forms & Policies

These forms and policies are designed as templates for organizations to utilize as a foundation for building their own co-sheltering and/or offsite animal safekeeping programs.

Animal Phone Assessment

This form is designed for organizations working with survivors of GBV and their animals to be able to assess the needs of the animal over the phone. Download resource here: Animal Phone Assessment

Client Evaluation

This evaluation tool is designed to support organizations working with survivors of GBV to be able to evaluate their program. Download resource here: Client Evaluation

Client Intake Form

This form is designed to support organizations working with survivors of GBV to consider animals during their intake process. Download resource here: Client Intake Form 

Crisis Call Template

This template form is designed for GBV organizations to include animals in their crisis call assessments when initially speaking with survivors of GBV. Download resource here:  Crisis Call Template Form

Urgent Care Checklist

This template checklist is designed based on the Toronto Humane Society's Urgent Care Program for organizations that are offering offsite animal safekeeping programs. Download resource here: Urgent Care Checklist

Urgent Care Program Handout

This program handout is designed as a template for organizations offering offsite animal safekeeping programs based on the Toronto Humane Society's Urgent Care Program. Download resource here: Urgent Care Program Handout - With Design or the template document Urgent Care Program Handout - Template

Urgent Care Request Form

This request form is designed as a template for organizations offering offsite animal safekeeping programs based on the Toronto Humane Society's Urgent Care Program. Download resource here: Urgent Care Request Form

The following resources have been designed as templates to support your organization in designing your own policies, procedures and forms. You are strongly encouraged to have your own legal representation review the policies, procedures and forms you create. 

Surrendered Animals Policy Template

Surrendered Animals Policy Template

Animal Care Extended Contract

Animal Care Extended Contract

Animal Intake Form

Animal Intake Form

Animal Sheltering Agreement

Animal Sheltering Agreement

Animal Sheltering Health & Safety Policy Template

Animal Sheltering Health and Safety Policy Template

Animal Sheltering Policy Template

Animal Sheltering Policy Template

Consent & Release Animal Boarding

Consent and Release for Animal Boarding

Consent & Release Animal Sheltering 

Consent and Release for Animal Sheltering

Foster Care Agent Representation Form

Foster Care Program Agent Representation

Foster Care Program Protocol

Foster Care Program Protocol

Foster Care Program Surgical Authorization Form

Foster Care Program Surgical Form

Foster Care Program Termination

Foster Care Program Termination

Foster Care Program Waiver of Claim and Placement Agreement

Foster Care Program Waiver

Partner Memorandum of Understanding

Partner Memorandum of Understanding

Partner Resources

These resources have been created by the organizations supporting survivors of GBV and their animals. Check out the links for more information.

Sheltering Animals & Families Together (SAF-T) Start Up Manual

An incredible resource is available on the Sheltering Animals & Families Together website, the SAF-T Start Up Manual. This resource offers information and examples of different ways GBV and other sheltering organizations can offer co-sheltering with their current resources or with funding to build onto their building. This resource offers strategies and solutions to help every organization in their journey to sheltering people and their animals together. 

More information can be located on the Sheltering Animals & Families Together website.

Ivy League Dogs Enrichment Guide

This guide is designed to offer strategies to support dogs with outlets for their natural behaviours. Download resource here: Ivy League Dogs Enrichment Guide

Trauma-Informed Training by Vancouver Humane Society

The Vancouver Humane Society has created three incredible courses through their trauma-informed training program which can help you learn about implementing a trauma-informed approach! These free, complementary courses aim to help animal service workers and organization leaders learn how to implement trauma-informed and culturally safe approaches in their work, and how to mitigate the effects of burnout and compassion fatigue. The goal of this training program is to create safer, happier outcomes for animals, their guardians, and animal protection workers. 

More information about the VHS trauma-informed training can be found here: VHS Trauma-Informed Training

My Dog is My Home

My Dog is My Home is a non-profit organization that offers a collaborative for networking and learning, as well as a website with resources, information, and recordings. This website also offers information on the My Dog is My Home International Conference. My Dog is My Home can be a great resource for co-sheltering organizations building or expanding upon programs to keep people with their animals.

More information can be located on the My Dog is My Home website.

The Bethesda House Experience: Housing Animals in Shelter with their Human Family Members Since 2013

Bethesda House is a 20 -bed shelter supporting women and their children (both human and non-human) who are experiencing Gender-Based Violence. Using a PowerPoint presentation and open discussion, Bethesda House shares the successes, challenges, and lessons learned in its journey from making the initial decision to house animals in residents’ rooms in the shelter, through to today.  Follow-up consultation is available for shelters considering starting this journey, and those who simply want to enhance their existing pet-in-shelter programs.

For information contact Bethesda House “Pets-in-Shelter” Lead: Jaki MacKinnon  [email protected]

Provincial Association of Transition Houses and Services of Saskatchewan (PATHS)

PATHS has conducted research on the link between intimate partner violence, animal maltreatment, and the need for animal safekeeping in Saskatchewan. This research included survivors, including survivors who care for companion animals, livestock, and large animals, service providers, and members of the public. PATHS has also worked with partners at the Saskatchewan SPCA and STOPS to Violence on a Pet-Friendly Shelters Viability Report. All research articles and resources relating to animals and IPV are linked at and are available by emailing Crystal Giesbrecht, Director of Research and Communications at [email protected] 

Saskatchewan SPCA 

Check out the resources, strategies, and safety planning tips at Saskatchewan SPCA also operates, which serves as a hub for local Saskatchewan and Canadian Link-related resources and information. Available on are the Getting Out Guide (which provides planning information for people experiencing violence, including leaving with animals) and other resources, including  Developing an Animal Safekeeping Program: A Resource Guide. SaskSPCA also the Violence Link webinar series (recordings of past webinars are available).

Don’t Forget the Pets

Check out the resources, information, video library and events at Don’t Forget the Pets offers resources and information to support GBV sheltering organizations to keep families together in crisis. Don’t Forget the Pets offers tools to build pet housing programs in your community as well as engaging and interactive workshops to support your organization in making room for pets! 

The Street Dogs Podcast

Check out this amazing podcast that offers inspiration and information regarding the world of animal and human welfare. This podcast offers inspiring stories, updates on advocacy work, and an inside look at the challenges and rewards of providing compassionate care to both ends of the leash. Listen to the podcast on YouTube, Spotify or Apple Podcasts.