Advocacy Tools

Advocacy Guide

Our Advocacy Guide can help you develop your advocacy efforts and strategies in creating systemic change to support survivors of Gender-Based Violence and their animals.

Download the Advocacy Guide here.

Supporting Survivors with Disabilities

These advocacy resources aim to support survivors of GBV with disabilities. 

Download the Supporting Survivors with Disabilities resource here.

Supporting Service Animals

These advocacy resources aim to support survivors of GBV with service animals. 

Download the Supporting Service Animals resource here.

Advocacy for Housing

These advocacy resources aim to support survivors of GBV in accessing animal-inclusive housing. 

Download the Advocacy for Animal Friendly Housing resource here.

Download the Your Rights When Renting With An Animal resource here.

Keep reading to see how the ACT Project is advocating for affordable, accessible, and animal-inclusive housing for survivors of GBV in Canada!

Intersections between homelessness and survivors of Gender-Based Violence with animals

For an overview of how survivors of Gender-Based Violence and their animals may be at an increased risk of homelessness, check out our info sheet here:

Intersections Between Homelessness & Women with Animals Experiencing Gender-Based Violence